Altamar Portfolio

Brand Communication Strategy - ElVelo

Volcan de Tequila

● The Tequila Volcano, or Volcan de Tequila, is a prominent geological influence in this region. Its last eruption occurred over 200,000 years ago - coating the entire Tequila Valley under a veil of lava and ash. ● This lava and ash created the ideal soil conditions that many believe is what allowed the Blue Agave to thrive in this region - it also creates the very unique terroir and flavor profile indicative of this region. ● There is also some debate that the name “Tequila” itself originates from indigenous peoples exploring the Volcan de Tequila - a native word meaning “rocks that cut” as well as “a place of tribute”, referring to the obsidian rocks (formed from lava) that are sometimes called “black glass”.


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