Altamar Portfolio

Brand Communication Strategy - Kübler Absinthe

Verte Suisse

● Kübler Verte Suisse is another Kübler family formula dating back to 1875 - recently rediscovered by Yves Kübler while going through old journals.

● The Verte Suisse is a maceration and distillation of the “Holy Trinity of Absinthe” - Artemisia Absinthium (Grand Wormwood), Sweet Fennel and Green Anise. Followed by a special secondary maceration process of 4 additional botanicals: Hyssop, Melissa (Lemon Balm), Mint, and Artemisia Pontica (Petite Wormwood); blended back with un-macerated distillate. ● The secondary maceration allows for extraction of color, and character. The 4 botanicals are added to a “tea” bag and allowed to steep for 16 hours; then pressed to remove all juices. 2-3 weeks go by to allow the product to settle, high particulates and tannins settle to the bottom of the tank. The top materials are then pumped back over the high tannic materials for one last minor extraction. This product is at roughly 80-81% ABV. It is proofed down to 72% ABV with the addition of Ceramic RO water, and allowed to aerate for 2-3 months in a dark, climate controlled environment before bottling. Once open for 2-3 weeks, the product will likely change color due to its natural chlorophyll compounds.


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