WI - Dreyfus Ashby Portfolio

FRANCE | Bordeaux | Château Laffitte Laujac

E stablished as a wine negociant in Bordeaux in 1819, the Cruse family quickly ranked as one of the leading wine companies in Bordeaux as attested by the visit of Napoleon III in 1851. Alongside his wine trading business, Hermann Cruse began a policy of acquiring wine estates by buying Chateau Laujac in 1852, rapidly fol lowed by the purchase of Chateau Pontet-Canet and Chateau Giscours. Due to the “phylloxera invasion” at the beginning of the 20th century, two World Wars and the terrible frosts of 1956, there were only 8 hect ares of vines remaining when Bernard Cruse took over the management of the estate in 1957. He undertook the revival of the vineyards, mod ernization of the technical tools and renovation of the buildings.

14 Dreyfus, Ashby & Co . | PORTFOLIO

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