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What Exactly Are Bitters?
We have no idea what bitters are. There, we said it. Do you know what bitters are? Bitters are alcoholic spirits that are infused with herbs, roots, fruit and leaves. They typically consist of water and alcohol, which has been steeped with a combination of botanicals. Made with high proof alcohol and strong flavors, bitters are highly concentrated; just a dash or two is necessary in a cocktail, and you’re never supposed to drink them alone. (Potable bitters, or bitters you can drink on their own, like Italian amari, are a distinct category.) The Kitchn explains that bitters use high proof alcohol for “maximum flavor extraction and preservation,” and that for a neutral flavor, vodka and grain alcohol, like Everclear, are best. You can also make bitters using other alcohols, like 101-proof bourbon or 151-proof rum. With so many possible combinations of botanicals and alcohols, the world of bitters is vast and varied. So what’s their point? “BITTERS... the spice rack of the cocktail world” —IRA KOPLOWITZ Ira Koplowitz, co-founder of bitters company Bittercube, told Journal Sentinel. You add a drop or two to a cocktail to balance out flavors and add depth to a drink. — HUFFINGTONPOST.COM
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