NY - Spirits Portfolio
LAPOSTOLLE CHILE, LIMARI VALLEY Lapostolle Pisco was created in honor of Jean Baptiste Lapostolle, the Frenchman who founded the House of Marnier-Lapostolle more than 180 years ago. Lapostolle Pisco Blanco 80PF / 700ML Lapostolle Blanco is made from a selection of aromatic muscatel grapes, double distilled in a copper still brought especially from Cognac. The result is an intense, pure, and smooth pisco. Lapostolle Pisco has the soul of Cognac, the complexity of Gin, and the versatility of Vodka. 90pts 2021 Ultimate Spirits Challenge Lapostolle Pisco XO 80PF / 700ML Lapostolle XO, made from the double distillation of wine in small batches, has been aged for six years in French oak barrels, some new, others used in Cognac.; the result is a pure and smooth spirit. 91pts 2021 Ultimate Spirits Challenge
VINAS DE ORO PERU, EL CARMEN Oro Pisco makes what could be termed estate pisco in that they grow the grapes on their own vineyard in Peru and distill it on premises. They make different varieties of “single grape” pisco from specific varietals. Vinas de Oro Pisco Puro Quebranta 82PF / 750ML Distilled from Quebranta grapes.
What exactly is Pisco? Pisco is a type of brandy, which is to say that it’s a spirit distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice. Beyond that, it’s far removed from, and in some ways even diametrically opposed to, the type of brandy that most people conjure up in their heads, namely, well-aged Cognac. ...one of the key regulations of Pisco is that it cannot be aged in wood at all. EATER.COM
Traditional botijas, or simply “piscos,” used to store pisco
“ ...Cognac is made by oak, ... Pisco is made by God!”
For 7 years Steven Soderbergh fought tirelessly to get this clear, mixable spirit imported into the US after first drinking it while shooting the movie “Che” in Bolivia. “Up to that point, I was used to drinking something that did one thing. I was going to have to call vodka on the phone and have that conversation – this was serious.” Soderbergh has even co-petitioned (with the Bolivian government) to the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau to recognize Singani as its own unique category, not unlike Pisco and Cachaça.
SINGANI 63 BOLIVIA The national spirit of Bolivia, Singani is a highly aromatic, floral, and citrusy unaged brandy. Singani 63 is unique among spirits to be given both a DO (Designation of Origin) and a GI (geographical Indication). distilled at the largest singani distillery in Bolivia – Casa Real and master distiller Don Lucho. Singani 63 80PF / 750ML Highly aromatic Muscat of Alexandria grapes destined for singani production are grown at a minimum altitude of 5,250 feet in the Andes Mountains of Bolivia. Oscar winning director Steven Soderbergh owns and imports Singani 63; discovered while filming Che in Bolivia. Perhaps the most versatile and mixable spirit to be found, with bright and lively flavor unlike any other spirit. Gold Craft Spirit Awards
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