Agave Playbook
Diffuser vs Non-Diffuser Diffuser-made products are less complex than traditionally made or artisanal tequilas. Diffusers tend to produce a very neutral product, and therefore often require the use of additives to try to make the distillate taste more like tequila. Diffuser-made products can often be identified by the presence of medicinal, chemical, fake fruit, or candy-like aromas and flavors, usually derived from the use of additives. Using diffuser products can upset the agricultural and economic ecosystem of agave. It allows distilleries to use young agave not full matured. __________________________________________________________ How to check? Go to: Detecting diffuser-produced tequila __________________________________________________________
Questions you should always ask to gauge the integrity of a tequila before buying. 1. Does the producer grow or source their agave? 2. How is the agave cooked and milled? 3. How is the agave fermented and distilled? 4. Are there any additives? Know Your NOM NOM – The Norma Official Mexicana (NOM) denotes that the bottle is authentic tequila produced in Mexico. This four-digit number tells you which producer the tequila comes from. Shared NOMS – If two brands share a NOM, they were made in the same place and might share the same process, or have points of differentiation from cooking and fermentation to distilling and dilution. Finding a NOM – The four-digit NOM is listed on every bottle of tequila, on the back or the front label. ________________________________________________________ Google it! Or use – you should be able to find all the information on the producer. __________________________________________________________
Detecting diffuser-produced tequila
1 Start with a suspected diffuser tequila, so the aromatics of a traditional tequila don’t influence the neutralized spirit. Pour a splash of tequila into your palms.
2 Rub your palms together until the tequila is mostly evaporated.
3 Cup your hands around your nose and gently inhale. Notice: DIFFUSER Clean, sterile, odorless. TRADITIONAL Aromas of baked yam, wet earth, cooked agave.
4 Air-dry your hands completely between sampling different tequilas.
Flavor and aroma additives in diffuser tequila can deceive on your initial inhalation, but mostly disappear when it evaporates. Traditional tequila’s aromas remain and its character dissipates slowly.
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