Winebow Producer Book

Piemonte , Italy

Winery Overview Villa Remotti was founded in 2002 by Raffaella Rossi, and her husband, Riccardo Garosci. When they purchased the villa in the town of Fubine Monferrato, the estate had five acres under vine, each one its own single vineyard. Being novices to viticulture and the business of wine, Rossi hired Giorgio Caroscio, a local grower and winemaker with decades of experience in growing Barbera. Caroscio is directly involved in the cellar and has applied his artisanal expertise in transforming the estate to meet demands of their niche market of restaurants and wine shops. Rossi also hired one of Italy’s most famous winemakers, Donato Lanati, who founded nearby Enosis, “L Universita del Vino di Donao Lanati,” an innovative laboratory devoted to analysis and research of native grape varieties. Lanati’s credentials also include being a Professor of Enological technology at the University of Turin and also as consulting enologist for wine estates, universities and other wine related businesses nationally and internationally. Location of Vineyards Fubine Monferrato offers a favorable climate for the cultivation of grapes with its layers of clay rich soil in potable water that nourishes the vines with calcium. The hilly southwestern exposure ripens the grapes to perfection. Winemaking Philosophy Villa Remotti specializes in producing artisanal Barbera d’Asti. Implementing both modern and ancient techniques, each vine is sustained by a chestnut pole and at each end, colored roses are grown, a natural method of pest control. The vines cultivated to produce these wines have an extremely low yield per acre. The grapes are harvested using pierced baskets and the stems are eliminated in the pressing stage.

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