Winebow Monthly Varietal NJ - August 2017
S AU V I G N O N B L A N C While most vineyards around the world are planted on grafted rootstock, estate-grownRoot: 1 Sauvignon Blanc is cultivated on original, ungrafted roots, producing outstanding quality wine with pure fruit ROOTS COME S F ROM YOUR CHARACT E R
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$7.00 $6.02 $0.24 $1.44
$8.00 $6.02 $0.24 $1.44
Selling Price per Glass
Bottle Cost
Cost per ounce Cost per glass
Cabernet Sauvignon
Pour size
profit per glass profit per bottle profit per case profit per month*
Heritage Red
$22.26 $267.06
$26.26 $315.06
Sauvignon Blanc
$1,335.32 $16,023.86
$1,575.32 $18,903.86
profit per year*
Pinot Noir
See Your Profit!
* Bottle cost and profit based off 10cs/ $72.30/cs pricing
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