WI - Dreyfus Ashby Portfolio

France | Cognac | Cognac Prunier

T he first traces of the Prunier family date back to 1701, but it was not until 1769 that the bottling and export activities would have really started at Cognac, as evidenced by the old Prunier bottle labels. Today, 250 years later, Stéphane Burnez (5th generation) and his daughters (Alice and Claire) descendants of the Prunier family are in charge. The house buys the eaux de-vie directly from supplying vine growers and distillers each year, then carries out the aging process in their own cellars. Prunier Cognac excels at producing vintage year co gnacs. It is only practiced by very few producers. Vin tage cognacs are still a rarity in the world of Cognac. They are products created from a single year’s harvest, and usually from a single vineyard. There is no blending allowed like in XO or VSOP. It is sometimes referred to as a Millesime Cognac. All of their vintage cognacs are guaranteed to be free from any coloring, sugar, or wood extracts, and they have not been chill-filtered or reduced from their natural cask strength. The Prunier family is proud to own one of the largest “Paradises” in Cognac with hundreds of demi-Jeanne dating back to the year 1900.

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