WI - Dreyfus Ashby Portfolio

France | Alsace | Distillerie Massenez

T he history of the Distillerie Massenez goes back to 1870 when Jean-Baptiste Massenez was a distiller in the Val de Villé, Alsace. His son Eugène was a pioneer by distilling Wild Raspberryfor the first time. Through time, the Massenez family developed strong relationships with fine gastronomy, thanks to the quality of its eaux-de-vie, liquors and creams. Associated with Grandes Distilleries Peureux since 2010, Bernard Baud manages, along with Manou Massenez and Elodie Naslin, the Distillery in Al sace. Bernard Baud has breathed new life into the Massenez Distillery while preserving the DNA of the House. It is thanks to the singular know-how of the Master Liquorists and a strict selection of ingredients that Distillerie Massenez offers balanced liquors and creams, smooth and elegant. Specializing in fruit distillation at its highest level, the Distillery devel oped high-end and innovative products through time, such as Garden Party, a range of single-fla vored liquors made of fresh herbs and vegetables.

Bernard Baud and Elodie Naslin | Owners

62 Dreyfus, Ashby & Co . | PORTFOLIO

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