WA - Raise Your Spirits


Terranova Spirits offers a portfolio of highly-regarded world class spirits. With passion for agave spirits; all tequilas sold by Terranova Spirits are produced by grower-distillers who use traditional methods and are confirmed diffusor-free and additive-free by Tequila Matchmaker. Amargo Angostura Vallet AGOANANVC 6pk/750ml Proof: 90.0 Bottle: $24.49 ArteNOM 1579 Blanco Clasico Tequila ANMBLNNVC 6pk/750ml Proof: 81.4 Bottle: $48.79 Cimarron Blanco Tequila 750 ml CNTBLTNVC 12pk/750 Proof: 80.0 Bottle: $18.27 Cimarron Blanco Tequila Liter CNTBLTNVD 12pk/1000ml Proof: 80.0 Bottle: $22.60 Cimarron Reposado Tequila 750 ml CNTRESNVC 12pk/750 Proof: 80.0 Bottle: $22.04 Cimarron Reposado Tequila Liter CNTRESNVD 12pk/1000ml Proof: 80.0 Bottle: $27.78 Don Amado Rustico Mezcal DAORUONVC 6pk/750ml Proof: 94.0 Bottle: $46.19 Don Amado Tobala Ensamble Mezcal DAOETBNVB 12pk/375ml Proof: 92.0 Bottle: $34.00 Fuenteseca Cosecha Tequila 2018 FUACBO18C 4pk/750ml Proof: 89.6 Bottle: $104.57 Lapis Tequila Reposado LPSREONVC 6pk/750ml Proof: 80.0 Bottle: $66.14 Panama Pacific 9 Year Rum PAPPP9NVC 6pk/750ml Proof: 94.0 Bottle: $29.60 Purasangre Reposado Tequila PSTRESNVC 6pk/750ml Proof: 80.0 Bottle: $39.05




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