TCV WinePress - Dec 2016
New Zealand
Fire Road Sauvignon Blanc 15 Huntaway Sauvignon Blanc 14 Jules Taylor Pinot Gris 15 Jules Taylor Pinot Noir 14 Jules Taylor Sauvignon Blanc 15
180638 12 750 ml 662703 12 750 ml 713258 12 750 ml 618390 12 750 ml 463315 12 750 ml 402667 12 750 ml 111640 12 750 ml 576598 12 750 ml 860116 12 750 ml 565554 6 750 ml 809128 12 750 ml 468399 6 750 ml 476468 6 750 ml 913015 12 750 ml 134248 12 750 ml 350379 12 750 ml 326076 12 750 ml 302578 12 750 ml 234086 12 750 ml 686098 12 750 ml 962191 12 750 ml 386846 12 750 ml 525250 12 750 ml 383092 6 750 ml 574652 12 750 ml 607396 12 750 ml 147262 6 750 ml 772237 12 750 ml 572296 12 750 ml 967239 12 750 ml 940292 12 750 ml 989737 12 750 ml 562093 12 750 ml 433470 12 750 ml 966650 12 750 ml 675639 12 750 ml 526080 12 750 ml 867185 12 750 ml 226348 12 375 ml
$10.67 Marlborough $13.99 Marlborough $13.33 Marlborough $15.33 Marlborough $13.33 Marlborough $24.67 Marlborough $21.33 Marlborough $10.67 Marlborough $9.33 Marlborough $37.99 Marlborough $13.33 Marlborough $16.67 Marlborough $16.67 Marlborough $16.67 Marlborough $10.67 Marlborough $10.67 Marlborough $18.67 Martinborough $13.99 Martinborough $12.67 New Zealand $12.67 New Zealand $33.33 South Island $12.67 South Island $13.99 South Island $17.99 South Island $9.33 South Island $9.33 South Island $8.67 South Island $13.99 South Island $22.67 South Island $24.67 South Island $17.33 South Island $19.33 South Island $12.67 South Island $19.99 South Island $13.33 South Island $9.99 South Island $17.99 Nelson $17.33 Nelson $13.99 Nelson
Saint Clair Pinot Noir Pioneer Bk 16 14 Saint Clair Sauv Bl Pioneer Bk 18 13
Sea Pearl Pinot Noir 14
Sea Pearl Sauvignon Blanc 15 Spy Valley Pinot Noir Envoy 12
Spy Valley Riesling 14
Wither Hills Pinot Noir 10 Wither Hills Pinot Noir 11 Wither Hills Pinot Noir 12
Wither Hills Pinot Noir Rose 15 Wither Hills Sauvignon Blanc 14 Murdoch James Estate Pinot Noir 13 Murdoch James Sauvignon Blanc 15 Neudorf Pinot Noir Toms Block 13
Neudorf Riesling Moutere 12 Neudorf Sauvignon Blanc 14
Sophora Brut N/V
Sophora Brut Rose N/V Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir 13
Lawsons Dry Hills Gewurztraminer 13
Lawsons Dry Hills Pinot Gris 15
Lawsons Dry Hills Pinot Noir Res 13
Ponga Pinot Noir 13 Ponga Pinot Noir 14
Ponga Sauvignon Blanc 15
Saint Clair Sauv Blanc Family Estate 14 Saint Clair Sauv Blanc Wairau Reserve 12
Seresin Pinot Noir Leah 12 Seresin Pinot Noir Momo 13
Seresin Sauvignon Blanc Estate 14 Seresin Sauvignon Blanc Momo 14
Spy Valley Pinot Noir 13
Spy Valley Sauvignon Blanc 15 Spy Valley Sauvignon Blanc 15 H
Pricing Inventory Subject to Market Change,Please Check withYourWine Consultant
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