TCV Price List DE
New Zealand
Sea Pearl Sauvignon Blanc 18 Spy Valley Pinot Noir Rose 17
785249 12 750ml 828824 12 750ml 728117 12 750ml 493414 6 750ml 295342 12 750ml 641138 12 750ml 787383 12 750ml 935038 12 750ml 549907 12 750ml 386846 12 750ml 525250 12 750ml 395724 12 750ml 543423 12 750ml 767749 12 750ml 586268 12 375ml 664862 6 750ml 992509 12 750ml 933983 12 750ml 644167 12 750ml 927873 6 750ml 123246 12 750ml 611388 6 750ml 207793 12 750ml 579740 12 750ml 205663 12 750ml 546719 12 750ml 418510 12 750ml 643393 12 750ml 516024 6 750ml 456188 6 750ml 283759 6 750ml 904413 6 750ml 474584 6 750ml 223456 12 750ml 902343 12 750ml 415380 12 750ml 798756 12 750ml 176231 12 750ml 381633 12 750ml ITEM # PACK SIZE
$8.67 Marlborough $15.33 Marlborough $13.33 Marlborough $23.99 Marlborough $10.67 Marlborough $16.67 Marlborough $10.67 Marlborough $10.67 Marlborough $12.67 New Zealand $12.67 New Zealand $9.33 South Island $19.33 South Island $13.33 South Island $9.99 South Island $15.99 Nelson
Spy Valley Riesling 15
Spy Valley Sauvignon Blanc Envoy 15
Twin Islands Sauvignon Blanc 17
Wither Hills Pinot Noir 14
Wither Hills Pinot Noir Rose 17 Wither Hills Sauvignon Blanc 17
Neudorf Sauvignon Blanc 17
Sophora Brut N/V
Sophora Brut Rose N/V
Ponga Sauvignon Blanc 18
Spy Valley Pinot Noir 15
Spy Valley Sauvignon Blanc 17 Spy Valley Sauvignon Blanc 17
Conde Villar Tinto Regional 17
$7.33 Alentejo $7.99 Alentejo $7.33 Alentejo $7.99 Alentejo $8.67 Alentejo $8.67 Douro $21.33 Douro $19.33 Douro $14.67 Douro $7.33 Douro $11.33 Douro $11.33 Douro $9.99 Douro $56.67 Douro $56.67 Douro $15.33 Douro $56.67 Douro $20.67 Douro $15.33 Douro $9.33 Douro $9.33 Douro $13.99 Douro $13.99 Douro $19.33 Douro
J Portugal Ramos Vila Santa Loios Red 16 J Portugal Ramos Vila Santa Loios Wh 17 J Portugal Ramos Vinho Verde Rose 17
Tapada de Villar Alentejo DOC 17
Altano Douro Red 15
Altano Quinta do Ataide Reserva 11 Broadbent Auction Res Porto N/V Casa Ferreirinha Douro Vinha Gran Red 16 Casa Ferreirinha Papas Figos Tinto 16 Casa Ferreirinha Papas Figos Tinto 17 Casa Ferreirinha Planalto White Res 17 Casa Ferreirinha Quinta da Leda 14 Casa Ferreirinha Quinta da Leda 15 Casa Ferreirinha Vinha Grand Rose 16 Casa Ferreirinha Esteva Red 17
Chryseia Douro Red 15
Chryseia Post Scriptum 16
Duorum Colheita 14
Duorum Tons de Duorum 16
Duorum Tons de Duorum White 17 Ferreira Dona Antonia Porto Res N/V Ferreira Dona Antonia Porto Res White N/V
Ferreira Porto LBV 13
DE – Jan–Apr 2019
Pricing Inventory Subject to Market Change, Please Check with Your Wine Consultant
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