Stacole Japanese Portfolio 2017
SERVING TEMPERATURE: Chilled is is an Onikoroshi ("Demon Slayer") sake, which means it is very dry. Medium-bodied sake with tan- talizing fruit flavors and a pleasant nuttiness on the mid-palate.Hints of mineral on the very dry finish. Best served slightly chilled and is won- derful with all types of meat. M ATSUNOI T OKUBETSU H ONJOZO SIZE: 300ml, 720ml PRICE: $13.33 | $21.33 PREFECTURE: Niigata MILLING : 58% RICE: Gohyakumangoku/Yukinosei SMV: +5 ALCOHOL: 15-16% SERVING TEMPERATURE: Chilled, room temperature Aromas of peach, almond, and hazelnut. Crisp, nutty and dry. M IDORIKAWA J UNMAI SIZE: 720ml PRICE: $24.99 PREFECTURE: Niigata MILLING: 60% SERVING TEMPERATURE: Chilled Clean, smooth, and gracious. Mild and refreshing acidity. Elegant aroma. Subtle nose of melon and ginger. All of the elements are well-balanced. M INATO H ARBOR Y AMAHAI N AMAGENSHU SIZE: 720ml PRICE: $23.99 PREFECTURE: Akita MILLING: 67% RICE: Miyama Nishiki SMV: +1 ALCOHOL: 21% SERVING TEMPERATURE: Chilled Undiluted and unpasteurized, this bold sake has intense yeasty aromas with strong notes of mushroom. Its robust flavors allow it to pair with heartier foods. It can also be poured as an after-dinner sake S HIRAKABEGURA T OKUBETSU J UNMAI SIZE: 300ml, 720ml, 1.8L PRICE: $9.99 | $18.33 | $29.33 PREFECTURE: RICE: Gohyaku-man-goku, Koshi-ibuki, Hokuriku #12 SMV: +4 ALCOHOL: 15-16%
MILLING: 60% RICE: Gohyakumangoku SMV: +2 ALCOHOL: 15% SERVING TEMPERATURE: Chilled, room temperature, warmed Brewed with the renowned miyamizu waters, this sake displays pear and nutmeg aromas with flavors of green apple.e taste is thick and mellow with great aroma and flavor of rice. S UIGEI D RUNKEN W HALE T OKUBETSU J UNMAI SIZE: 300ml, 720ml PRICE: $13.33 | $20.67 PREFECTURE: Kochi SERVING TEMPERATURE: Chilled Reserved aroma, gentle rice notes, perfect acidity and a fine finish combine to create the unique flavor profile of Suigei Tokubetsu Junmai. Chilling creates a freshness that is quite pairable with many dishes, but warming it reveals a wide reverber- ating breadth of flavor and harmony. T AKATENJIN S WORD OF THE S UN T OKUBETSU H ONJOZO SIZE: 300ml, 720ml PRICE: $11.33 | $21.99 PREFECTURE: Shizuoka MILLING: RICE: Yamada Nishiki/Haenuki SMV: +4 ALCOHOL: 15.5% SERVING TEMPERATURE: Chilled Melon, pear, and banana drive the aromas and combine with a subtle sweet touch highlighted by a subdued acidity in the butter-tinged flavor. Great depth and plenty of complexity. T ENTAKA K UNI H AWK IN THE H EAVENS T OKUBETSU J UNMAI SIZE: 720ml PRICE: $22.67 PREFECTURE: Tochigi MILLING: 55% RICE: +3 ALCOHOL: 15.6% SERVING TEMPERATURE: Chilled, room temperature With slightly yeasty notes and MILLING: 55% RICE: Akitsuho SMV: +7 ALCOHOL: 15-16%
roasted walnut aromas, this well- rounded sake has a rich mouthfeel. Dry and crisp, the flavors are domi- nated by mixed nuts, fresh cut green grass and other earthier flavors. Medium-bodied, with a lengthy and dry finish.e sturdy, earthy flavors and firm acidity pair well with hearty grains, mushrooms, beef, or lamb dishes. T ENTAKA O RGANIKA J UNMAI SIZE: 720ml PRICE: $26.33 PREFECTURE: Tochigi MILLING: 65% RICE: Organic Gohyakumangoku SMV: +7 ALCOHOL: 15.3% SERVING TEMPERATURE: Slightly chilled, room temperature, warm Tentaka Organaka is one of the few organic sakes produced in Japan.e area’s natural underground springs provide Tentaka with a pure, fresh water source, which is also triple-fil- tered. is region, surrounded by three pristine rivers and picturesque mountains, has largely managed to avoid tourism which adds to the peaceful atmosphere. Clean, dry, and straightforward, with bright banana and mild melon aromas and soft, subdued rice flavors. Try with Brus- sels sprouts, butternut squash, and chestnut risotto or rabbit and shi- itake terrine T OZAI L IVING J EWEL J UNMAI SIZE: 300ml, 720ml PRICE: $7.99 | $13.99 PREFECTURE: Kyoto MILLING: 70% RICE: Koshihikari SMV: +6.5 ALCOHOL: 14.9% SERVING TEMPERATURE: Cold, room temperature, slightly warmed e aromas of white grape, anise, and a hint of sweet rice are quite- complex.ese same flavors come rushing through the medium-bod- ied palate which has a slightly creamy texture followed by a hint of white pepper and fresh herbal notes.e long, clean finish makes this a great sipping sake as well as a companion to a wide range of foods, from fish and shellfish to pork and light meats.
Stacole Fine Wines Sake Portfolio 15
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