Sausalito, CA Spirits Showcase
APLOS Our flagship non-alcoholic spirit, Aplos Calme, is infused with hemp for moments of unwind, followed by Aplós Arise, infused with adaptogens for moments of revelry. We use exceptional ingredients formulated to enhance the immediate pleasure of taste, and the slow pleasures of the mind that follow. Aplos Arise Non-Alcoholic Spirit APOARSNVN 6/575 NA $35.69 Aplos Calme Non-Alcoholic Spirit APOCALNVN 6/575 NA $35.69 ARBIKIE HIGHLAND ESTATE DI ST I LLERY Arbikie Highland Estate is a family-owned working farm perched on the east coast of Angus. Here, the crop is king. They painstakingly plant, sow, tend and harvest the fields and farms that make up Arbikie. Arbikie Ak’s Gin ABKAKSNVC 6/750 $30.00 Arbikie Chili Vodka ABKCHINVC 6/750 $30.00 Arbikie Haar Vodka ABKHARNVC 6/750 $30.00 GREAT WOMEN SPIRI TS Great Women Spirits by the Family Coppola honors the accomplishments of women throughout history and seeks to tell their stories. Our spirits are small-batch, ultra-premium, classically styled, and proofed with pristine Napa Valley spring water. Dorothy Arzner Rye Whiskey GWMDARNVC 6/750 $55.00 Countess Walewska Vodka GWMCWVNVC 6/750 $37.00 Ada Lovelace Gin GWMLLGNVC 6/750 $37.00 Hypatia Rubi Amaro GWMHPANVC 6/750 $43.00 Agnesi 1799 Brandy GWMABRNVC 6/750 $55.00
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