Sausalito, CA Spirits Showcase

SPEARHEAD SPIRI TS GROUP The award-winning premium African Spirits company showcasing the quality, craft, and produce of Africa by sharing the flavors and luxury principles of the contentent--putting Africa on the world’s bar. Vusa African Cane Vodka VUSAVKNVC 6/750 $18.19 Bayab African Gin BYAGINNVC 6/750 $24.49 Bayab African Orange & Marula Gin BYAOMGNVC 6/750 $24.49 Bayab African Rose Water Gin BYARGNNVC 6/750 $24.49 SPIRI T WORKS DI ST I LLERY Spirit Works Distillery is a California distillery committed to the grain to glass philosophy, meaning we bring in whole organic grains which we mill, mash, ferment, and distill entirely on site. The result is a premium product that has been strictly monitored during each step in the production process. Batch by batch, from grain to glass in Sonoma County, CA. Spirit Works Vodka SWDVODNVC 6/750 $27.50 Spirit Works Gin SWDGINNVC 6/750 $31.50 Spirit Works Barrel Gin SWDBGNNVC 6/750 $42.50 Spirit Works Sloe Gin SWDSGNNVC 6/750 $35.00 Spirit Works Barrel Reserve Sloe Gin SWDRSGNVC 6/750 $59.00 Spirit Works Rye Whiskey SWDSRWNVC 6/750 $46.00 Spirit Works Wheat Whiskey SWDSWWNVC 6/750 $46.00 Spirit Works 4 Grain Bourbon SWDFGBNVC 6/750 $46.00



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