San Diego Spirits Showcase

HOOD RIVER DI ST I LLERS Rooted in Oregon since 1934, Hood River Distillers began by making fruit wines and brandies from the apples and pears that were going to waste as excess production from the valley’s abundant harvests. Although our core distribution began in the Pacific Northwest, we are currently producing close to one million cases per year, and distributing our products nationwide. Timberline Vodka TBLVODNVC 6/750 $21.16 Batanga Blanco Tequila BTNBTQNVC 6/750 $23.00 Batanga Reposado Tequila BTNRTQNVC 6/750 $23.00 Big Gin London Dry BIGGNNNVD 6/1L $27.00 Big Gin Bourbon Barreled BIGGBBNVC 6/750 $27.00 Big Gin Peat Barreled BIGGPTNVC 6/750 $27.00 Clear Creek Pear Brandy CCDPBRNVC 6/750 $36.25 Clear Creek Cranberry Liqueur CCDCLRNVC 6/750 $26.25 McCarthys 6 Year Oregon Single Malt CCDSMONVC 6/750 $69.00 Lucid Absinthe Superieure LUDABSNVC 6/750 $55.50 J. RIEGER & CO. Jacob Rieger & Company was founded in 1887 in Kansas City’s West Bottoms Livestock Exchange district. In 1919, Prohibition was enacted by the federal government and wasn’t reversed until 1933. J. Rieger & Co. was a casualty at the time, but was not destined to be lost forever. 95 years after Prohibition, we can officially say that the historic and iconic spirits brand of Kansas City is back. J Rieger Kansas Whiskey JRIKCWNVC 6/750 $32.89 J Rieger Caffe Amaro JRICFANVC 6/750 $30.09 J Rieger Midwestern Dry Gin JRIMNGNVC 6/750 $30.09 J Rieger Premuim Wheat Vodka JRIPWVNVC 6/750 $20.99 Rieger’s Straight Rye Whiskey JRISRWNVC 6/750 $45.00



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