LAFOND WINERY LFDCHS17C 087951414018 Lafond Chard SRH Series LFDPNS15C 087951434016 Lafond Pinot Noir SRH LFDSYS14C 087951474012 Lafond Syrah SRH Series MATCHBOOK MBWARC18C 859551001291 Matchbook Arsonist Chardonnay MBWARR16C 859551001338 Matchbook Arsonist Red MBWBCS18C 859551001420 Matchbook Black’s Station Cab MBWBCH18C 859551001390 Matchbook Black’s Station Char MBWBSM18C 859551001376 Matchbook Black’s Station Malb MBWBSR17C 859551001369 Matchbook Black’s Station Red MBWCSN17C 859551001161 Matchbook Cabernet Sauvignon MBWCHY18C 859551001000 Matchbook Chardonnay MBWPET17C 859551001574 Matchbook Petite Sirah MBWPVR16C 859551001581 Matchbook Petite Verdot MBWMBR13C 859551001031 Matchbook Red Blend TintoRey MBWSYH15C 859551001017 Matchbook Syrah MBWTEM14C 859551001024 Matchbook Tempranillo MBWTRR18C 859551001505 Matchbook TINTO REY Rose MBWTRS16C 859551001437 Matchbook TINTO REY Super Tint MBWTRT15C 859551001567 Matchbook TINTO REY Tempranill MBWTRV17C 859551001444 Matchbook TINTO REY Verdejo MBWMCH16C 859551001086 MatchbookMossbackChalkHillsCab MBWMPN17C 859551001079 MatchbookMossbackRRPinotNoir OAKVILLE WINERY OAYCSE16C 832550050217 Oakville Winery EstateCabernet OAYZIN17C 832550050248 Oakville Winery EstateZinfandel QUIVIRA QUVASB17C 98576984626 Quivira Alder Grove Sauv Blanc QUVBBZ16C 98576906222 Quivira Black Boar Zinfandel QUVZIL16C 098576906420 Quivira Dry Creek Zinfandel QUVFSB17C 098576982622 Quivira Fig Tree Sauv Blanc QUVPZN17C 98576906611 Quivira Pillsbury Zinfandel RENWOOD RENZNB16C 08796930002 Renwood BBQ Zinfandel RENZNA16C 08796930001 Renwood California Zinfandel RENZNF15C 08796930004 Renwood Fiddletown Zinfandel RENZNG16C 87969581160 Renwood Grandpere Zinfandel Amador Cnty RENZNP17C 08796930005 Renwood Zinfandel Premier Old Vine Amado QUVROE18C 098576635863 Quivira Rose
12 750ML 268.68 22.39 184.68 15.39 12 750ML 268.68 22.39 209.88 17.49 12 750ML 209.88 17.49 159.48 13.29
12 750ML 209.88 17.49 167.88 13.99 12 750ML 209.88 17.49 167.88 13.99
12 750ML 109.08 12 750ML 109.08 12 750ML 109.08 12 750ML 109.08
9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09
83.88 6.99 83.88 6.99 83.88 6.99 83.88 6.99
12 750ML 151.08 12.59 109.08 9.09 12 750ML 151.08 12.59 109.08 9.09 12 750ML 151.08 12.59 125.88 10.49 12 750ML 151.08 12.59 125.88 10.49 12 750ML 151.08 12.59 125.88 10.49 12 750ML 151.08 12.59 125.88 10.49 12 750ML 151.08 12.59 125.88 10.49 12 750ML 134.28 11.19 117.48 9.79 12 750ML 184.68 15.39 159.48 13.29 12 750ML 167.88 13.99 134.28 11.19 12 750ML 167.88 13.99 134.28 11.19 12 750ML 235.08 19.59 167.88 13.99 12 750ML 235.08 19.59 167.88 13.99
6 750ML 231.00 38.50 210.00 35.00 6 750ML 117.54 19.59 104.94 17.49
12 750ML 380.00 31.67 193.08 16.09 12 750ML 380.00 31.67 357.75 29.81 12 750ML 223.00 18.58 193.08 16.09 12 750ML 380.00 31.67 193.08 16.09
6 750ML 134.34 22.39
12 750ML 198.00 16.50 171.48 14.29
12 750ML 151.08 12.59
92.28 7.69
12 750ML 151.08 12.59 100.68 8.39 12 750ML 235.08 19.59 193.08 16.09
12 750ML 419.88 34.99
12 750ML 193.08 16.09 151.08 12.59
SANTA BARBARA WSS SBRCHY18C 087951023333 Santa Barbara Chardonnay SBRPNC17C 087951331018 Santa Barbara Pinot Noir SBC SBRPNR14C 087951025740 Santa Barbara Pinot Noir SRH SBRSBC18C 087951131861 Santa Barbara Sauvignon Blanc SBRSYH15C 087951340959 Santa Barbara Syrah
12 750ML 193.08 16.09 142.68 11.89 12 750ML 184.68 15.39 151.08 12.59 12 750ML 218.28 18.19 193.08 16.09 12 750ML 193.08 16.09 142.68 11.89 12 750ML 193.08 16.09 142.68 11.89
OR – Winter 2020
Pricing Subject to Change, Please Check with Your Wine Consultant
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