LINI 910 | Food & Wine


NVLINI910 LABRUSCA LAMBRUSCO ROSSO ($18) Deep purpiy-red and full of lively effervescence. this earthy red Lambrusco makes afantastic dinner- party-main-course wine, whether lor the holidays or any other time of year—it's equal parts surprising and 2006 UNI 910 METODO CLASSICO ROSSO ($40) Fabio Lini employs the same process as Champagne for his top bottling, allowing the wine to gam its soarkle by m e a n s o f a s e c o n d f e r m e n - delicious.

N V L I N I 9 1 0 L A B R U S C A LAMBRUSCO BIANCO ^SJS; Fabio Uni uses 100% Sala- mine for this apple-scented while Lambrusco. The Salamino grape itself is red. but by crushing the fruit and then remov ng the skins before they have time to affect the hue o' the wine, it NVLINI 910 LABRUSCA LAMBRUSCO R0S£(SJB; R o s e L a m b r u s c o s a r e becoming more and more popular, and Lini's version is one of the best: lull of red cherry and strawberry slays apale gold color.

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