HWG Spirit book April 2018-Final
Ascoli Piceno, Italy (Opici Wines)
Since 1870, the Meletti family has been producing Italy’s most beloved liqueurs in the fertile lands of Ascoli Piceno on the Adriatic coastal region of Le Marche. Under the direction of Silvio Meletti, the finest, natural ingredients are cultivated, selected, and blended to create limited-production artisanal cordials, aperitivos, digestivos, and liqueurs of distinctive character. Meletti, Cioccolato The Meletti family, through skillful blending, has created a delicious natural cocoa-based liqueur. It can be used in a variety of drink and food recipes and is delicious cold as well as warm. Meletti, Limoncello Meletti Limoncello is a delicious citrus liqueur with a full rich mouth feel and the inviting aroma of fresh lemons. The lemon flavors are pronounced but not harsh, and the taste is balanced by a delightful sweet finish. Only the finest lemons are selected from Sorrento’s coastal groves.
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