HWG Spirit book April 2018-Final
The Ping Pong cocktail is an old, old classic featured in many of the great bar books (Savoy, Trader Vic’s, etc.) and each recipe is ever so slightly different. The featured ingredient in this particular variation is Sloe Gin, which isn’t a gin. It’s actually a liqueur made from Sloe berries. Which actually aren’t berries at all, they are a member of the plum family. So what is this variation from our friends at Death & Co? — a Perfect Martinez or some kind of Reverse Affinity Cocktail No.2? Back and forth, back and forth. It’s like some kind of game of…oh, now I hear it. 2 oz Spirit Works Sloe Gin .5 oz La Quintinye Royal Extra Dry Vermouth .5 oz Punt e Mes 2 dashes Orange Bitters Stir in a mixing glass full of ice, then strain into a stemmed cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon twist. Ping Pong Cocktail
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