HWG Price Book May-Aug 2017
PRICE LIST May–August 2017
Order Desk: 800.669.9428 www.henrywinegroup.com www.thewinebowgroup.com
MAIN OFFICE: The Henry Wine Group Headquarters 4301 Industrial Way, Benicia, CA 94510
phone: 707.745.8500 | fax: 707.745.4217 order desk: 800.669.9428
Marketing Scott Evans Vice President of Portfolio Management ScottE@henrywinegroup.com
Ed Hogan Senior Vice President and General Manager EdH@henrywinegroup.com
Amoreena Anker Vice President, Corporate Retail AmoreenaA@henrywinegroup.com Holly Lewis Director of Corporate Sales, On-Premise HollyL@henrywinegroup.com Matt DeVriendt Director of Spirits and Fortified Wine Sales MattD@henrywinegroup.com
Stephanie O’Brien Vice President of Finance StephanieO@henrywinegroup.com
Customer Service Phil Pritchatt
Chris Choate Vice President of Sales Northern California Broad Market ChrisCh@henrywinegroup.com Matt Diehm Vice President of Sales Southern California Broad Market MattDi@henrywinegroup.com
Customer Service Manager PhilP@henrywinegroup.com
Wine Education Peter Neptune
Master Sommelier, AIWS, CWE, FWS Senior Vice President of Corporate Training & Wine Education PeterN@henrywinegroup.com
Visit us at: www.henrywinegroup.com www.thewinebowgroup.com
Minimum Order Fee $300.00
Less than minimum orders require a $10.00 handling charge. Outlying areas may require higher minimums.
Visit us at: www.henrywinegroup.com www.thewinebowgroup.com
Broken Case Charge $1.50 per bottle. This charge is not reflected in the bottle cost column of this price list. Returned Items Any product that has been ordered and is in sound condition may be returned within the A.B.C. regulated time period of two weeks. All returned items are subject to a restocking fee. Credit Terms Delivery will be C.O.D until a signed and completed credit ap- plication has been processed. Net 30 days on approved credit only. A service charge of 1.5% per month will be assessed at 43 days and every 30 days thereafter. Shipments to past-due accounts will be C.O.D. only, per A.B.C. regulations. Pricing Corrections Although every effort has been made to insure the accuracy and usefulness of this price list, we reserve the right to change pricing and discounts, or to cor- rect any pricing errors that may exist at any time it may be necessary.
ORGANI ZAT ION This price list contains two major divisions: The Henry Wine Group Distributed wines and our Brokered divisions. Our wines are listed by geographic region with informational maps preceding pricing for each group.
BROKERED WINES Brokered wineries establish their respective pricing and discounts.
Terms of Sale — Net 30 days from date of delivery. All first orders will be made on a C.O.D. basis or until receipt and approval of a fully completed, signed and dated credit application and a resale card. Credit and terms are determined by the individual wineries. CREDI T APPL I CAT ION / RESAL E CARD Visit www.henrywinegroup.com, click on “Become a HWG Customer” to download forms.
NEW CUSTOMERS Here’s how to order quickly:
If you have not ordered from us before, call our toll-free order desk at 800.669.9428 and tell us that you are a new account. Your first order can be delivered within 48 hours C.O.D. Please have your A.B.C. license and resale numbers ready.
Toll-free Order Desk: 800.669.9428
The Henry Wine Group
Contents At a glance... The Southern Rhône Valley................... x Organic, Biodynamic Certification List ......... xiii Distributed Wines United States..................1 France..........................19 Italy..............................33 Austria, England, Germany, Hungary & Slovenia......55 Spain & Portugal..........61 Southern Hemisphere...75 Sparkling, Kegs & Other Sizes...................89 Spirits, Cider & Sake..109 Coravin Wine Preservation System..........................18 CA L I FORN I A 25 Knots........................................ 2 Acre............................................... 2 aCrisp............................................ 2 Ancient Peaks................................ 2 Andis Wines.................................. 2 Andrew Murray Vineyards............. 2 Annabella...................................... 2 Arnold Palmer............................... 3 Asylum.......................................... 3 Back Story..................................... 3 Billhook......................................... 3 Blackbird Vineyards....................... 3 Blue Rock Vineyard....................... 3 Cain - Concept.............................. 3 Cain - Cuvee................................. 3 Cain - Five..................................... 4 Calera Wine Company................... 4 Carneros Highway......................... 4 Claiborne & Churchill................... 4 Clos LaChance.............................. 4 Cresta Bella................................... 4 Dante Vineyards............................ 5 Dashe Cellars................................ 5 Dutton Estate................................ 5 E11even........................................ 5 Eighty Four Wines......................... 5 Elizabeth Rose............................... 5 Elizabeth Spencer Wines............... 5 Experience..................................... 5 California, Oregon & Washington
Uvaggio....................................... 14 Ventana....................................... 14 Vinum Cellars.............................. 15 Vinum Veritas.............................. 15 Volker Eisele Family Estate.......... 15 Voss Vineyards............................. 15 White Hart.................................. 15 ZaZin........................................... 15 ZD Wines.................................... 15 OREGON 99 West....................................... 16 Adelsheim Vineyard..................... 16 Benton-Lane Winery................... 16 Left Coast Cellars........................ 16 Lemelson Vineyards..................... 16 The Forager................................. 16 Witness Tree Vineyard................. 16 WASH I NGTON Amavi Cellars.............................. 17 Chester-Kidder............................ 17 Feather........................................ 17 Milbrandt Vineyards.................... 17 Pedestal....................................... 17 Pepper Bridge Winery.................. 17 Pirouette..................................... 17 Poet's Leap.................................. 17 Saggi........................................... 17 Sequel......................................... 17 USA Coravin........................................ 18 FRANCE Charles Armand .......................... 20 Francois Montand ...................... 20 BEAU JOL A I S Fleurie......................................... 20 Château du Poncie ..................... 20 BORDEAUX b o r d e a u x Beau Rivage ................................ 20 Château Batailley ....................... 20 Château de Fontenille ................ 20 Château de Parenchère .............. 20 Château Fourcas Borie ............... 20 Château Grimard . ...................... 20 Château Laplagnotte Bellevue .... 20 Château Peymartin ..................... 20 Clos Beauregard ......................... 20 Domaine Courteillac .................. 20 Exem .......................................... 21 Pessac Leognan de Haut Bailly ... 21 Ségla Margaux ............................ 21 e n t r e d e u x m e r s Château de Fontenille ................ 21 s a u t e r n e s Château d'Arche ......................... 21 La Fleur D'Or ............................. 21 France
Ghost Block................................... 6 Hayes Valley.................................. 6 Head High..................................... 6 Heron Wines................................. 6 Highway 12................................... 6 Hollis............................................. 6 Hook and Ladder........................... 6 Jason-Stephens.............................. 6 Joullian.......................................... 7 Journeyman................................... 7 Kistler Vineyards............................ 7 Laely Wine.................................... 7 Lafond........................................... 7 Lexington...................................... 7 Lola Kay........................................ 7 Long Meadow Ranch..................... 7 Long Meadow Ranch..................... 7 Longboard Vineyards..................... 8 Longoria Wines............................. 8 Lumen........................................... 8 Luna Vineyards.............................. 8 Lunatic.......................................... 8 Lynmar.......................................... 8 MacRostie..................................... 9 Madness and Cures....................... 9 Martian Ranch and Vineyard......... 9 Medlock Ames Vintners................. 9 Mettler Family Vineyards............... 9 Mindego Ridge.............................. 9 Mountain View Vintners................ 9 Nuclear....................................... 10 Oakville Winery .......................... 10 Pali Wine Co............................... 10 Pence.......................................... 10 Pey-Marin.................................... 10 REDS.......................................... 10 Red Car - Rose............................ 10 Red Car - Single Vineyard............ 10 Red Car - Sonoma Coast............. 11 Resolute...................................... 11 Riverbench Winery & Vineyard.... 11 Round Pond................................ 11 Rubissow Wines.......................... 11 Sailors Grave............................... 11 San Lorenzo Winery.................... 11 Santa Barbara Winery.................. 11 Saucelito Canyon........................ 11 Seam Wine.................................. 12 Selby........................................... 12 Shafer Vineyards.......................... 12 Silver Stone................................. 12 Sinor-LaVallee............................. 12 Skyline........................................ 12 Slingshot..................................... 12 Small Vines. ................................ 12 Spicerack..................................... 13 Stemmler Winery......................... 13 Stewart Cellars............................ 13 TEXTBOOK................................ 13 Taft Street Winery....................... 13 Terra Valentine............................ 13 The Counselor............................. 13 The Forager................................. 13 Thomas Fogarty .......................... 13 Three Sticks................................ 14 Titus............................................ 14 Tortoise Creek............................. 14 Tower 15 Winery......................... 14 Travis........................................... 14
May–August 2017
The Henry Wine Group
Toll-free Order Desk: 800.669.9428
s t . e m i l i on - p om e r o l Château Cap de Merle ............... 21 Vieux Ch St Andre ...................... 21 s t . e s t e p h e Château Beau Site ...................... 21 BR I TTANY b r i t ta n y Le Brun Cidre ............................ 21 BURGUNDY b ou r gog n e Bernard Moreau ......................... 22 Domaine Bouchard Pere et Fils .. 22 Domaine Christian Clerget ......... 22 Domaine Lebreuil ....................... 22 c o t e d e b e a u n e r e d Domaine Bouchard Pere et Fils .. 22 Domaine Lebreuil ....................... 22 Michel Magnien ......................... 22 c o t e d e b e a u n e wh i t e Domaine Bouchard Pere et Fils .. 23 Domaine Henri Clerc ................. 23 m a c on n a i s Domaine Bouchard Pere et Fils .. 23 Domaine des Vercheres .............. 23 Domaine Lucien Thomas ........... 23 Domaine Morat .......................... 23 Meurgey-Croses ......................... 23 CHAB L I S c h a b l i s Domaine William Fevre .............. 23 Grossot ....................................... 24 CHAMPAGNE a u b e Champagne Jean Laurent ........... 24 e p e r n a y Besserat de Bellefon ................... 24 Dallancourt ................................ 24 David Coutelas ........................... 24 Doyard Mahe .............................. 24 Goutrorbe-Bouillot ..................... 24 Vadin Plateau ............................. 24 l e m e s n i l - s u r - og e r Champagne Philippe Gonet ........ 25 r e i m s Champagne Henriot ................... 25 Leclapart Champagne . ............... 25 v e r z e n a y Simonet ...................................... 25 J URA p o l i g n y Domaine Badoz .......................... 25 LOI RE b ou r g u e i l Domaine de la Butte ................... 26 c h i non Jean-Maurice Raffault ................ 26 lo i r e Marcel Martin ............................ 26 m e n e t ou s a lon Dom de Chatenoy/P. Clement .... 26
Les Darons ................................. 31 Montgravet ................................. 31 Puydeval ..................................... 31 Villa des Anges ............................ 31 m i n e r v o i s Château du Donjon .................... 31 Château de Paraza ...................... 31 r ou s s i l lon Domaine Cabirau ....................... 31 Le Cirque ................................... 31 Penya .......................................... 31 SOUTHWE S T FRANCE c a ho r s Château Le Gautoul ................... 31 c o t e s d e g a s c og n e Château Tariquet ........................ 31 Domaine Saint Lannes ............... 31 Montgravet ................................. 31 V I N DE PAY S v i n d e pa y s Château Pegau ........................... 32 Le Cirque ................................... 32 Montgravet ................................. 32 Capostrano ................................. 34 Cataldi Madonna ........................ 34 La Fiera ...................................... 34 Monti ......................................... 34 Stella .......................................... 34 Tiamo ......................................... 34 Valle Reale .................................. 34 Villa Medoro ............................... 34 a lt o - a d i g e Gottardi ...................................... 34 Kris ............................................. 34 Pacherhof ................................... 35 Strasserhof ................................. 35 Terlano ....................................... 35 Tiefenbrunner ............................ 35 Tramin ........................................ 35 b a s i l i c ata Bisceglia ..................................... 36 c a l a b r i a Librandi ...................................... 36 Statti .......................................... 36 c a m pa n i a Galardi ....................................... 36 Gran Passione . ........................... 36 Mastroberardino ......................... 36 Montevetrano ............................. 36 San Salvatore .............................. 37 Terredora .................................... 37 e m i l i a - r om a g n a Castello di Luzzano .................... 37 Pederzana ................................... 37 Prodigo ....................................... 37 f r i u l i Luisa .......................................... 37 Prodigo ....................................... 37 Vie di Romans ............................ 38 Italy a b r u z z o
pa y s n a n ta i s Domaine de la Quilla .................. 26 Le Charmel ................................ 26 p ou i l ly f um e Jean Pabiot et Fils ....................... 26 s a n c e r r e Brochard .................................... 26 Domaine Paul Prieur et Fils ....... 26 Romain Reverdy ......................... 26 Thomas & Fil ............................. 27 s a umu r Domaine de la Bonneliere .......... 27 Domaine Hauts de Sanziers ........ 27 t ou r a i n e Baron ......................................... 27 Lauriers ...................................... 27 Le Charmel ................................ 27 Taille aux Loups ......................... 27 v ou v r a y a n d mon t lou i s Benoit Gautier ............................ 27 NORTHWE S T FRANCE no r m a n d y Manoir de Grandouet Cidre ....... 27 PROVENCE p r o v e n c e Avive ........................................... 28 Bargemone ................................. 28 Château des Bertrands ............... 28 Château des Vingtinières ............ 28 Le Charmel ................................ 28 Saint Andre de Figuiere .............. 28 RHÔNE VA L L E Y c o s t i e r e s d e n i m e s Le Charmel ................................ 28 Mas de Guiot .............................. 28 Mas des Bressades ...................... 28 no r t h e r n r hôn e Cave de Tain ............................... 28 Domaine Courbis ....................... 29 J Boutin ...................................... 29 s ou t h e r n r hôn e Autard ........................................ 29 Château Pegau ........................... 29 Château Tariquet ........................ 29 Clos Bellane ............................... 29 Domaine de la Guicharde ........... 29 Domaine Jean Deydier & Fils ..... 29 Domaine Le Couroulu ................ 29 La Petite Bellane ........................ 29 Mayard ....................................... 29 Sélection Laurence Féraud ......... 30 SAVOI E s av o i e Carrel ......................................... 30 Les Rocailles .............................. 30 SOUTHERN FRANCE l a n g u e do c Château de Lancyre . .................. 30 Domaine de Malavieille .............. 30 Faire la Fete ................................ 30 Fat Bastard ................................. 30 Le Charmel ................................ 30 Le Pive ....................................... 30
May–August 2017
Toll-free Order Desk: 800.669.9428
The Henry Wine Group
Secondo Marco .......................... 52 Stella .......................................... 52 Suavia ......................................... 52 Tiamo ......................................... 52 VinSpina ..................................... 52 Zardetto ...................................... 53 Zenato ........................................ 53 Zyme .......................................... 53 Austria, England, Germany, Hungary & Solvenia Heinrich ..................................... 56 Judith Beck ................................. 56 Paul Achs .................................... 56 Szigeti ......................................... 56 k a m p ta l Loimer ........................................ 56 k r e m s ta l Stadt Krems ................................ 56 n i e d e r o e s t e r r e i c h Pratsch ....................................... 57 Unger ......................................... 57 v i e n n a Wieninger ................................... 57 wa c h a u Prager ......................................... 57 Rainer Wess ................................ 57 Rudi Pichler ............................... 58 ENGL AND h e r e f o r d s h i r e Dunkertons ................................ 58 GERMANY mo s e l Clean Slate ................................. 58 Dr H Thanisch ........................... 58 Heinz Eifel ................................. 58 Romerhof ................................... 58 p fa l z Heinz Eifel ................................. 58 r h e i n g a u Peter Jakob Kuhn ....................... 58 r h e i n h e s s e n Dr Heyden .................................. 59 Heinz Eifel ................................. 59 HUNGARY t o k a j i Château Pajzos ........................... 59 Tokaj Hetszolo ............................ 59 S LOVEN I A c o l l i o Movia ......................................... 59 AUS TR I A b u r g e n l a n d
t r e n t i no Gonzaga ..................................... 45 Instituto Agrario San Michele ..... 45 La Vis ......................................... 45 Lechthaler .................................. 45 Maso Poli ................................... 46 Torre di Luna .............................. 46 t u s c a n y Altesino ...................................... 46 Argiano ....................................... 46 Bruni .......................................... 46 Camigliano ................................. 46 Castellare ................................... 47 Castello di Bossi ......................... 47 Castello di Meleto ...................... 47 Donatella Cinelli Colombini ....... 47 Donna Laura .............................. 47 Fattoria del Cerro ....................... 47 Fossacolle ................................... 47 Gagliole ...................................... 47 Il Marroneto ............................... 48 La Lastra .................................... 48 La Poderina ................................ 48 Le Pupille ................................... 48 Michele Satta ............................. 48 Monterufoli ................................ 48 Orma .......................................... 48 Palladio ...................................... 48 Piazza del Castello ...................... 48 Poggio Scalette ........................... 48 Poggio Vipere .............................. 48 Pratesi ........................................ 48 Principe Corsini - Le Corti ......... 49 Rampolla .................................... 49 Rocca di Frassinello .................... 49 Salvioni ...................................... 49 San Fabiano ................................ 49 San Polo ..................................... 49 San Quirico ................................ 49 Tenimenti d Alessandro .............. 49 Tenuta di Ghizzano ..................... 49 Tiamo ......................................... 49 Tolaini ........................................ 49 Tua Rita ...................................... 50 Valdipiatta .................................. 50 um b r i a Argillae ....................................... 50 Colpetrone ................................. 50 La Carraia .................................. 50 Lamborghini ............................... 50 Tellus .......................................... 50 Vitiano ........................................ 50 va l l e d ' a o s ta Anselmet .................................... 50 v e n e t o Acinum ....................................... 51 Bellafina ..................................... 51 Brancher .................................... 51 Broglia ........................................ 51 De Quindi .................................. 51 Dolci Colline .............................. 51 Gran Passione . ........................... 51 I Stefanini .................................. 51 Il Faggeto ................................... 51 La Fiera ...................................... 51 Le Salette ................................... 51 Maculan ..................................... 52 Rapido ........................................ 52 Remo Farina ............................... 52
l a z i o Corte dei Papi ............................. 38 Falesco ....................................... 38 Pallavicini ................................... 38 Vitiano ........................................ 38 l i g u r i a Colle dei Bardelini ...................... 38 lom b a r d i a Barone Pizzini ............................ 38 Ca del Bosco .............................. 39 Castello di Luzzano .................... 39 La Valle ...................................... 39 Montonale .................................. 39 Tiamo ......................................... 39 m a r c h e Fazi Battaglia .............................. 39 Pievalta ....................................... 39 mo l i s e Di Majo Norante ........................ 39 p i e mon t e Araldica ...................................... 39 Bera ............................................ 39 Broglia ........................................ 39 Castello di Neive ........................ 40 Castelvero . ................................. 40 Ceretto ....................................... 40 Cortese ....................................... 40 Damilano .................................... 40 Del Professore ............................ 40 Gran Passione . ........................... 41 Il Cascinone ............................... 41 Il Chiosso ................................... 41 La Marchesa ............................... 41 Marenco ..................................... 41 Meletti ....................................... 41 Monchiero Carbone ................... 41 Paolo Scavino ............................. 41 Pecchenino ................................. 41 Pico Maccario ............................ 42 Produttori del Barbaresco ........... 42 Villa Remotti .............................. 42 p u g l i a Botromagno ................................ 42 Cantele ....................................... 42 Copertino ................................... 42 Gianfranco Fino ......................... 42 Gran Passione . ........................... 42 La Fiera ...................................... 42 Leone de Castris ......................... 42 Rapido ........................................ 42 s a r d e g n a Argiolas ...................................... 43 Nuraghe Crabioni ....................... 43 Pala ............................................ 43 s i c i l i a Baglio Del Sole ........................... 43 Cantine Colosi ........................... 43 Ceuso ......................................... 43 Cos ............................................. 44 Fessina ....................................... 44 Feudi del Pisciotto ...................... 44 Feudo di Santa Tresa .................. 44 La Fiera ...................................... 44 Morgante .................................... 44 Prodigo ....................................... 44 Purato ........................................ 44 Stella .......................................... 45 Tasca D'Almerita ........................ 45
Continued on next page
May–August 2017
The Henry Wine Group
Toll-free Order Desk: 800.669.9428
Portugal & Spain
l a m a n c h a Bodegas Arzuaga ......................... 67 Bodegas Venta Morales ............... 67 Bodegas Volver ........................... 67 Bodegas y Ilurce ......................... 67 Campos de Suenos ..................... 67 Campos de Viento ...................... 67 Finca Antigua ............................. 68 Marques de Grinon .................... 68 m a d r i d El Rincon ................................... 68 m á l a g a Bodegas Jorge Ordonez S.L. ....... 68 Bodegas y Vinedos Botani ........... 68 Jorge Ordonez ............................. 68 m a l lo r c a Anima Negra .............................. 68 m a n c h u e l a Dominio de Eguren SA ............... 68 Finca Sandoval ........................... 69 mon s ta n t Clos de Nit ................................. 69 mon t i l l a - mo r i l e s Alvear ......................................... 69 n ava r r a Castillo de Monjardin ................. 69 Nekeas ....................................... 69 pa i s va s c o s Itsas Mendi ................................ 69 p e n e d e s Caves i Vins El Cep SA ............... 69 Juve y Camps .............................. 70 Llopart Cava ............................... 70 Mas Fi ........................................ 70 p r i o r at Feixa Negra ................................ 70 Lo Tros ....................................... 70 r i a s b a i x a s Bodegas La Cana ........................ 70 Campos de Celtas ....................... 70 Finca de Arantei ......................... 70 Licia ........................................... 70 Senda Verde . .............................. 70 r i b e r a d e l d u e r o Bodegas Arzuaga ......................... 71 Bodegas Jorge Ordonez S.L. ....... 71 Convento San Francisco ............. 71 r i o j a Benjamin Romeo ........................ 71 Bodegas Muga ............................ 71 Bodegas Ramirez ........................ 71 Bodegas Sierra Cantabria ........... 72 Bodegas y Ilurce ......................... 72 Buenas ....................................... 72 Bujanda ...................................... 72 Carlos Serres .............................. 72 Finca La Emperatriz ................... 72 Finca Valpiedra ........................... 72 La Sorda ..................................... 72 Navardia ..................................... 72 Remirez de Ganuza ..................... 72 San Vicente ................................ 72 Vinedos de Paganos .................... 73 r u e d a Arrumaco ................................... 73 Finca Montepedroso ................... 73
t i e r r a d e c a s t i l l a Bodegas Jorge Ordonez S.L. ....... 73 t o r o Teso de Monja ............................ 73 va l d e o r r a s Bodegas Avancia ......................... 73 Campos da Neboa ...................... 73 Vina Somoza ............................... 73
PORTUGA L a l e n t e j o
Conde Villar ............................... 62 J. Portugal Ramos ....................... 62 b e i r a s Foz de Arouce ............................. 62 Mob ............................................ 62 d a o Alvaro Castro .............................. 62 Mob ............................................ 62 dou r o Curriculum Vitae ........................ 62 Duorum ...................................... 62 Mob ............................................ 62 Passadouro ................................. 63 Quinta de la Rosa ....................... 63 Quinta Vale d. Maria .................. 63 Van Zeller ................................... 63 Vista da Regua ............................ 63 Wine & Soul ............................... 64 l i s b o a Chocapalha ................................ 64 Monte d'Oiro .............................. 64 p on t e d e l i m a Vaca Das Cordas ......................... 64 v i n ho v e r d e Conde Villar ............................... 64 J. Portugal Ramos ....................... 64 S PA I N Bodegas Oliveros ........................ 65 a l i c a n t e Bodegas Volver ........................... 65 Enrique Mendoza ....................... 65 a s t u r i a s Mayador ..................................... 65 b a s qu e Talai Berri . ................................. 65 Txakoli Txomin Etaniz ................ 65 b i e r z o Pago De Valdoneje ...................... 65 Senda Verde . .............................. 65 b o r j a Agricola de Borja ........................ 65 Bodegas Alto Moncayo C de B .... 66 Los Dos ...................................... 66 c a l ata y u d Bodegas Breca ............................ 66 Campos de Luz ........................... 66 c ata lu n y a Camps d'Estels ........................... 66 Massis ........................................ 66 Resso .......................................... 66 d a o Faisao ......................................... 66 g a l i c i a Arrumaco ................................... 66 j e r e z / s h e r r y Hidalgo ....................................... 67 La Guita ..................................... 67 j um i l l a Bodegas Tarima .......................... 67 Bodegas Volver ........................... 67 Campos de Risca ........................ 67
Southern Hemisphere
ARGENT I NA m e n do z a
Andeluna Winery ........................ 76 Catena - Alta .............................. 76 Catena - Appellation ................... 76 Catena - Classic ......................... 76 Catena - Vista Flores .................. 76 Catena - Zapata .......................... 76 Enemigo ..................................... 77 Filosur ........................................ 77 High Note .................................. 77 Recuerdo Wines ......................... 77 Renacer ...................................... 77 Santa Julia .................................. 77 Santa Julia (+) ............................ 77 Santa Julia Innovacion . .............. 78 Santa Julia Organica ................... 78 Santa Julia Reserva ..................... 78 Tierra Divina Vineyards .............. 78 Tilia ............................................ 78 Zuccardi ..................................... 78 Zuccardi Series A ........................ 79 Zuccardi Series Q ....................... 79 pata gon i a Noemia Patagonia . ..................... 79 s a lta Zuccardi Series A ........................ 79 va l l e d e u c o Catena - Zapata .......................... 79 AUS TRA L I A a d e l a i d e h i l l s Shaw and Smith ......................... 79 Wirra Wirra ................................ 79 b a r o s s a va l l e y Earthworks ................................. 79 Langmeil .................................... 80 Yalumba ...................................... 80 Yalumba Barossa/Eden ................ 80 Yalumba Fortifieds ...................... 80 Yalumba Rare & Fine .................. 80 Yalumba Y-Series ......................... 80 c l a r e va l l e y Jim Barry .................................... 80 Pikes Wines ................................ 80 c oon awa r r a Jim Barry .................................... 81 Yalumba Rare & Fine .................. 81 e d e n va l l e y Heggies Vineyard ........................ 81 Henschke ................................... 81 Pewsey Vale Vineyards ................ 81 Yalumba Barossa/Eden ................ 81
May–August 2017
Toll-free Order Desk: 800.669.9428
The Henry Wine Group
NEW ZEA L AND c e n t r a l o ta go
Champagne Jean Laurent ........... 91 Champagne Philippe Gonet ........ 91 Dallancourt ................................ 91 David Coutelas ........................... 92 Doyard Mahe .............................. 92 Goutrorb-Bouillot ....................... 92 Vadin Plateau ............................. 92 f r a n c e Simonet ...................................... 92 j u r a Francois Montand ...................... 92 l a n g u e do c Faire la Fete ................................ 92 lo i r e Marcel Martin ............................ 92 Taille aux Loups ......................... 92 m i s c e l l a n e ou s Charles Armand .......................... 92 p r o v e n c e Avive ........................................... 93 s av o i e Les Rocailles .............................. 93 I TA LY e m i l i a - r om a g n a Castello di Luzzano .................... 93 lom b a r d y Barone Pizzini ............................ 93 Ca del Bosco .............................. 93 La Valle ...................................... 93 p i e dmon t Bera ............................................ 93 Ceretto ....................................... 93 s i c i ly Tasca D'Almerita ........................ 93 v e n e t o Acinum ....................................... 93 Bellafina ..................................... 94 Brancher .................................... 94 Broglia ........................................ 94 Dolci Colline .............................. 94 Il Faggeto ................................... 94 Rapido ........................................ 94 Stella .......................................... 94 Tiamo ......................................... 94 VinSpina ..................................... 94 Zardetto ...................................... 94 NEW ZEA L AND m a r t i n b o r ou g h Sophora ...................................... 94 S PA I N c ata lu n y a Camps d'Estels ........................... 94 m á l a g a Bodegas y Vinedos Botani ........... 95 p e n e d e s Caves i Vins El Cep SA ............... 95 Juve y Camps .............................. 95 Llopart Cava ............................... 95 Mas Fi ........................................ 95 r i o j a Bodegas Muga ............................ 95
g r e at s ou t h e r n Hope Estate ................................ 81 Howard Park ............................... 81 Marchand And Burch ................. 81 Vinaceous ................................... 81 h u n t e r va l l e y Hope Estate ................................ 81 m a r g a r e t r i v e r Howard Park ............................... 82 Ringbolt ...................................... 82 Vasse Felix .................................. 82 m c l a r e n va l e Wirra Wirra ................................ 82 r i v e r l a n d Oxford Landing .......................... 82 Yalumba Organics ....................... 82 Yalumba Y-Series ......................... 82 r u t h e r g l e n Campbells .................................. 82 s e a u s t r a l i a Oxford Landing .......................... 82 Yalumba Organics ....................... 82 Yalumba Y-Series ......................... 82 ta s m a n i a Dalrymple ................................... 83 Jansz Tasmania ........................... 83 Tolpuddle Vineyard ..................... 83 v i c t o r i a Redbank ..................................... 83 Tournon by Michel Chapoutier. .. 83 w e s t e r n a u s t r a l i a De Bortoli ................................... 83 Madfish ...................................... 83 wr at t on b u l ly Yalumba ...................................... 83 y a r r a va l l e y De Bortoli ................................... 83 St Kilda ...................................... 83 BRAZ I L b e n t o gon c a lv e s Lidio Carraro .............................. 84 CH I L E c a s a b l a n c a Root 1 ........................................ 84 TerraNoble ................................. 84 c o l c h a g u a Lurton Araucano ........................ 84 Root 1 ........................................ 84 TerraNoble ................................. 84 m a i p o va l l e y Cousino Macul ........................... 85 Root 1 ........................................ 85 Tarapaca ..................................... 85 Vina Ventisquero ........................ 85 m a u l e Santa Luz ................................... 85 TerraNoble ................................. 85 s a n a n t on i o / l e y d a va l l e y Casa Marin ................................. 85 Leyda .......................................... 85
Maude ........................................ 86 Two Paddocks ............................. 86 Wild Earth Vineyards .................. 86 h awk e s b a y Millsreef ..................................... 86 m a r l b o r ou g h Allan Scott Wines ....................... 86 Fire Road .................................... 86 Huntaway ................................... 86 Lawsons ..................................... 86 Nautilus ..................................... 86 Opawa ........................................ 86 Ponga ......................................... 87 Premiere Soleil ........................... 87 Sea Pearl .................................... 87 Staete Landt Vineyard ................ 87 Twin Islands ............................... 87 m a r t i n b o r ou g h Murdoch James .......................... 87 Palliser Estate ............................. 87 Sophora ...................................... 87 n e l s on Neudorf ...................................... 87 Woollaston Estates ..................... 87 SOUTH AFR I CA c on s ta n t i a Klein Constantia ......................... 88 s t e l l e n b o s c h Anwilka ...................................... 88 Sparkling Santa Julia .................................. 90 Santa Julia Organica ................... 90 AUS TRA L I A ta s m a n i a Jansz Tasmania ........................... 90 w e s t e r n a u s t r a l i a Madfish ...................................... 90 AUS TR I A b u r g e n l a n d Szigeti ......................................... 90 CA L I FORN I A r u s s i a n r i v e r va l l e y Longboard Vineyards - ................ 90 s a n ta c r u z Thomas Fogarty -......................... 90 s a n ta m a r i a va l l e y Riverbench Winery & Vineyard.... 90 y o lo c ou n t y Vinum Veritas ............................. 90 FRANCE a r b o i s Francois Montand ...................... 91 c h a m pa g n e Besserat de Bellefon ................... 91 Champagne Henriot ................... 91 ARGENT I NA m e n do z a
Continued on next page
May–August 2017
The Henry Wine Group
Toll-free Order Desk: 800.669.9428
Kegs & Other Sizes
Renacer .................................... 106 Round Pond ............................. 106 Royal Gate ................................ 106 San Salvatore ............................ 106 San Vicente .............................. 106 Santa Julia ................................ 106 Santa Julia Innovacion . ............ 106 Santa Julia Reserva ................... 106 Santa Maria .............................. 107 Shafer Vineyards ....................... 107 Sibona ...................................... 107 Silver Stone .............................. 107 Stella ........................................ 107 Tiamo ....................................... 107 Tiefenbrunner .......................... 107 Tokaj Hetszolo .......................... 107 Uvaggio .................................... 107 Varnelli ..................................... 107 Volker Eisele Family Estate ....... 107 Yalumba .................................... 107 Yalumba Fortifieds .................... 108 Zardetto .................................... 108 Zenato ...................................... 108 Zuccardi ................................... 108 Zuccardi Series Q ..................... 108 VODKA / G I N / GENEVER Bainbridge Organic Distillers. ... 110 Blackwoods .............................. 110 Boomsma ................................. 110 Boyd and Blair .......................... 110 Breuckelen Distilling ................ 110 Diep9 ....................................... 110 Dogwood Distilling ................... 110 G’ Vine . .................................... 110 Golden Moon Distillery ............ 110 Pine Barrens ............................. 110 Royal Gate ................................ 110 COGNAC , ARMAGNAC & GRAP E BRAND I E S Bache Gabrielsen ..................... 111 Château Tariquet ...................... 111 Grosperrin ................................ 111 La Diablada .............................. 111 Macchu Pisco ........................... 111 Paul Giraud .............................. 111 Poli Distillerie ........................... 111 EAU DE V I E / FRU I T BRAND I E S Clear Creek Distillery................ 112 Familial L. Dupont ................... 112 June .......................................... 112 GRAPPA & POMACE BRAND I E S Castellare ................................. 112 Clear Creek Distillery ............... 112 Nardini ..................................... 112 Poli Distillerie ........................... 113 Sibona ...................................... 113 Zardetto .................................... 113 Spirits, Cider & Sake
Charles Armand ........................ 100 Château d'Arche ....................... 100 Château Pajzos ......................... 100 Cheateau Cap de Merle ............ 100 Chokaisan ................................ 100 Cimarron .................................. 100 Clear Creek Distillery ............... 101 Colpetrone ............................... 101 Cousino Macul ......................... 101 Cresta Bella .............................. 101 Dallancourt .............................. 101 Damilano .................................. 101 Dashe Cellars ........................... 101 David Coutelas ......................... 101 Dewatsuru ................................ 101 Di Majo Norante ...................... 102 Diplomatico .............................. 102 Dogwood Distilling ................... 102 Domaine Badoz ........................ 102 Domaine Bouchard Pere et Fils... 102 Domaine William Fevre ............ 102 Dunkertons .............................. 102 Elizabeth Spencer Wines .......... 102 Falesco ..................................... 102 Fattoria del Cerro ..................... 102 Fossacolle ................................. 102 Francois Montand .................... 102 Gonzaga ................................... 102 Gran Mitla ............................... 102 Heinz Eifel ............................... 102 Hidalgo ..................................... 102 Hideyoshi ................................. 102 Hiro Sake ................................. 103 Jack Rudy ................................. 103 Jorge Ordonez ........................... 103 Juve y Camps ............................ 103 Klein Constantia ....................... 103 La Fleur D'Or ........................... 103 La Guita ................................... 103 La Quintinye ............................ 103 Le Pive ..................................... 103 Llopart Cava ............................. 103 Long Meadow Ranch ................ 103 Longboard Vineyards ................ 103 MacRostie ................................ 103 Maculan ................................... 104 Manabito .................................. 104 Marenco ................................... 104 Mastroberardino ....................... 104 Mayador ................................... 104 McIvor ..................................... 104 Medlock Ames Vintners ............ 104 Milbrandt Vineyards ................. 104 Mountain View Vintners ........... 104 Naba Shoten . ........................... 104 Nardini ..................................... 105 Nuclear .................................... 105 Oakville Winery -....................... 105 Orma ........................................ 105 Pallavicini ................................. 105 Paolo Scavino ........................... 105 Pine Barrens ............................. 105 Pitu .......................................... 105 Poet's Leap ............................... 105 Poggio Scalette ......................... 105 Poli Distillerie ........................... 106 Pratsch ..................................... 106 Quinta de la Rosa ..................... 106 Red Car - Rose ......................... 106
KEGS aCrisp ......................................... 96 Andis Wines ............................... 96 Annabwella ................................. 96 Blackbird Vineyards .................... 96 Clos LaChance ........................... 96 Dr Heyden .................................. 96 Exem .......................................... 96 Gran Passione . ........................... 96 Highway 12 ................................ 96 Left Coast Cellars ....................... 96 Long Meadow Ranch .................. 96 Luna Vineyards ........................... 96 Lunatic ....................................... 96 MacRostie .................................. 96 Milbrandt Vineyards ................... 96 Pali Wine Co .............................. 97 Pence ......................................... 97 Pratsch ....................................... 97 Recuerdo Wines ......................... 97 REDS ......................................... 97 Riverbench Winery & Vynd......... 97 Round Pond ............................... 97 Santa Julia Reserva ..................... 97 The Counselor ............................ 97 Tiamo ......................................... 97 Tierra Divina Vineyards .............. 97 VinSpina ..................................... 97 Vinum Cellars ............................. 97 Vinum Veritas ............................. 97 Zardetto ...................................... 97 OTHER S I ZE S Adelsheim Vineyard .................... 98 Agricola de Borja ........................ 98 Altesino ...................................... 98 Alvear ......................................... 98 Argiano ....................................... 98 Arrumaco ................................... 98 Balsam ....................................... 98 Benton-Lane Winery .................. 98 Bertagnolli .................................. 98 Blackbird Vineyards .................... 98 Bodegas Arzuaga ......................... 98 Bodegas Muga ............................ 99 Boomsma ................................... 99 Boyd and Blair ............................ 99 Brochard .................................... 99 Cain - Concept ........................... 99 Cain - Five .................................. 99 Calera Wine Company ................ 99 Calisaya ...................................... 99 Camigliano ................................. 99 Campbells .................................. 99 Cantine Colosi ........................... 99 Castellare ................................... 99 Castello di Bossi ......................... 99 Castello di Meleto ...................... 99 Catena - Alta .............................. 99 Catena - Classic ....................... 100 Ceretto ..................................... 100 Champagne Henriot ................. 100 Champagne Jean Laurent ......... 100 Champagne Philippe Gonet ...... 100
May–August 2017
Toll-free Order Desk: 800.669.9428
The Henry Wine Group
WH I SK ( E ) Y S Bainbridge Organic Distillers . .. 113 Breuckelen Distilling ................ 113 Charles Medley Distillery ......... 113 Edradour .................................. 113 Kinahan’s .................................. 113 McIvor ..................................... 113 Pine Barrens ............................. 114 Rough Rider ............................. 114 Samaroli ................................... 114 Signatory 86 Proof .................... 114 Signatory Cask Strength ........... 114 Signatory Unchillfiltered . ......... 114 Tullibardine .............................. 114 Wolfburn .................................. 114 RUM & SUGAR CANE Diplomatico .............................. 115 Panama Pacific ......................... 115 Pitu .......................................... 115 Samaroli ................................... 115 Stonewall .................................. 115 Zafra.......................................... 115 ABS I NTHE Dogwood Distilling ................... 115 REDUX .................................... 115 Vilya Spirits .............................. 115 AGAVE ArteNOM ................................. 115 Cimarron .................................. 115 Don Amado .............................. 116 Don Mateo de la Sierra ............ 116 Excellia ..................................... 116 Fuenteseca ............................... 116 Lapis ........................................ 116 Mezcal Vago ............................. 116 Mina Real.................................. 116 Purasangre ............................... 116 Siembra Azul ............................ 117 Siembra Valles .......................... 117 Tres, Cuatro y Cinco ................ 117 AMARO / L IQUEUR B I TT ERS Amargo ..................................... 117 Balsam ..................................... 117 Boomsma ................................. 117 Calisaya .................................... 117 Golden Moon Distillery ............ 117 Meletti ..................................... 117 Nardini ..................................... 117 Nastro d'Oro ............................. 117 Santa Maria .............................. 117 Sibona ...................................... 117 Vallet Liqueur ........................... 118 Varnelli ..................................... 118
L IQUEURS Argiolas .................................... 118 Arvero ....................................... 118 Bertagnolli ................................ 118 CapriNatura ............................. 118 Golden Moon Distillery ............ 118 Iris Liqueur............................... 118 Meletti ..................................... 118 Nardini ..................................... 118 Poli Distillerie ........................... 118 Sibona ...................................... 118 PORT Quinta de la Rosa ..................... 119 Quinta Vale d. Maria ................ 119 Alvear ....................................... 119 Hidalgo ..................................... 119 La Guita ................................... 120 VERMOUTH / AP ER I T I F S Bodegase Oliveros .................... 120 Del Professore .......................... 120 Imbue ....................................... 120 La Quintinye............................. 120 FORT I F I ED WINE / OTHER Jack Rudy.................................. 120 Medlock Ames Vintners............. 120 SAKE Chokaisan ................................ 121 Dewatsuru ................................ 121 Hideyoshi ................................. 121 Hiro Sake ................................. 121 Manabito .................................. 121 Naba Shoten . ........................... 121 C I DERS Dunkertons .............................. 121 Le Brun Cidre .......................... 121 Manoir de Grandouet Cidre ..... 121 SHERRY / S PAN I SH FORT I F I ED WI NE S
CORAV I N Coravin........................................ 18
May–August 2017
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