GA - Spirits Portfolio
NARDINI VENETO, ITALY Spicy harmonies. Enjoying a moment in company, for an aperitif or after a meal; a truly pleasurable addition to the evening. Aperitifs and bitters made from naturally blended spices, herbs and citrus fruits to amaze you with their bold, harmoniously balanced flavor. Nardini L’Amaro 62PF / 6pk / 1L / 700ml Balanced, citrusy, intense. Amaro Nardini is the perfect balance of flavors, with hints of liquorice from the gentian root, peppermint and orange: a variety of flavors, in perfect balance. Serve it straight, cold or on the rocks: it tastes great in every way. Nardini Bitter Chinato 54PF / 1.0L A unique Bitter with a complex, rich structured taste. The enveloping aroma of Cinchona Calisaya blend magnifically with notes of citrus and spices. Nardini Bitter Chinato is unfiltered to maintain unaltered the sensory characteristics of the raw ingredients. LEOPOLD BROS. DENVER, COLORADO Home to eight stills in five different styles, made by some of the finest craftsmen in the world. They are the first distillery in the world in over fifty years to run distillations of a Three Chamber Still, a truly rare and unique piece of engineering and art. Leopold Bros. Aperitivo 48PF / 750ML The brothers went back to the drawing board to created an all-natural version of the bitter aperitivo that uses real cochineal for color and brings a bolder, bitter flavor. Sweet and bitter, with a citrus overlay, more earthy and floral than other aperitivos. It mixes like a DREAM!
ROYAL VALLET MEXICO, MEXICO CITY Henri Vallet crafted these classic bitters in the 1860s, when he emigrated to Mexico from France during colonization. He remained in his adopted homeland and by the 1880s had established local prominence as a skilled distiller. Vallet Amargo Angostura Vallet 90PF / 750ML A bitter liqueur made from Angostura bark and a maceration of cherry fruits, cloves and other roots and spices. Herbal notes of bittersweet dark chocolate and citrus rind balance an earthly richness Vallet Fernet Vallet 70PF / 750ML Made from a maceration of aromatic plants, roots and spices including cinnamon, clove, quassia wood, gentian root and cardamom. An intensely herbal, woodsy digestif. Vallet Granada-Vallet Bitter Liqueur 64PF / 750ML Pomegranate tartness with hints of cinnamon and fennel is balanced by woody gentian root, wormwood and cinchona bark, with citrus notes of orange and kaffir lime. Oaxacan cochineal delivers its beautiful color. ST. GEORGE SPIRITS CALIFORNIA America’s original craft distillery. Proudly independent. Passionate about innovation. For over nearly four decades they have been distilling exceptional artisanal spirits with integrity. St. George “Bruto Americano” Bitter Aperitivo Liqueur 48PF / 750ML With a bracing dose of bitterness, a bright pop of citrus, and intriguing sylvan notes, Bruto is a bitter aperitivo liqueur that makes us as proud as it does thirsty. Bruto comes from a variety of herbs, roots, and other botanicals and includes gentian root; California-grown Seville orange; balsam fir and Cascara sagrada from the California buckthorn. Bright, citrusy, bitter hints of fruit and light sweetness. “Your Negronis and Spritzes just got more interesting” – Drink Me; Featured in Tales of the Cocktail. America’s answer to Italy’s Campari. – Spirit Journal “2016 Year’s Best” –Wine & Spirits Magazine “Sublime” – Imbibe
PAOLUCCI ITALY Named after the region in which it was originally made in 1873, Amaro CioCiaro is made using a recipe closely
guarded by the Paolucci family. Paolucci Amaro CioCiaro 60PF / 750ML
Considered Italy’s finest Amaro, by America’s most prominent mixologists, Amaro CioCiaro, from an authentic 1873 family recipe, is made from a mixture of carefully selected herbs and natural ingredients. It just may be the closest substitute you’ll find for the original Amer Picon. Easily drinkable by itself, it won’t take over in a cocktail, plus…a very nice Amaro for the price. 90-95pts Superb “Best Buy” Wine Enthusiast
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