Craft + Estate Sake Portfolio

M ANABITO G INJO 720ml, 1.8L MILLING: 60% RICE: Ginnosei SMV: +5 (Dry) ALCOHOL: 15%-16% SERVE: Chilled

Exquisite! is Ginjo is crisp and clean. Its dry entry builds to a surprisingly rich, mineral finish. Its unique character envelops a wide range of pairings that will bring out the best in everyday food. Brewery Awards Wine Spectator’s Top Recommended Pick OUTSTANDING e National New Sake Awards GOLD MEDAL Los Angeles International Wine and Spirits Best of Class SILVER MEDAL Los Angeles International

Wine and Spirits BRONZE MEDAL Los Angeles International Wine and Spirits GOLD MEDAL Sannai Excellence Awards SECOND PRIZE

The old kura at Manabito (top). Sake being stored outside during the winter (center). The kurabito work to grow rice during the summer (right).

Craft + Estate Sake Portfolio 23

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